I've been working to get the WRF-Solar options working in my versions of WRF, v4.2. First, thank you to the developers for the helpful WRF-Solar user guide online - I was able to get the GHI, DNI, and DIF special variables output with no problem, and the output looks reasonable.
My problem is the variables output by the solar_diagnostics namelist option (e.g., CLDFRAC2D, CBASEHT, CTOPHT, CLDIDX, and SZA). I'm interested in having those output on the model grid, so have the solar_diagnostics option turned on - but nothing is output. I checked the rsl.error.0000 file, and see that the solar diagnostic module is not even being called. What could I be doing wrong?
Below is the &physics section of my namelist. Points that might be of interest are that I am using Thompson aerosol aware microphysics with RRTMG radiation along with the aer_opt=3 option, so the aerosols, microphysics, and radiation should all be fully coupled (or at least that is my intention). I am also using swint_opt=2 so FARMS is called every timestep.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
mp_physics = 28, 8, 8,
ra_lw_physics = 4, 1, 1,
ra_sw_physics = 4, 2, 2,
radt = 15, 10, 10,
swint_opt = 2,
CO2TF = 1,
sf_sfclay_physics = 5, 2, 2,
sf_surface_physics = 2, 2, 2,
sf_urban_physics = 0, 0, 0,
bl_pbl_physics = 5, 2, 2,
bldt = 0, 0, 0,
bl_mynn_tkebudget = 0,
bl_mynn_tkeadvect = .false.,
bl_mynn_cloudpdf = 2,
bl_mynn_edmf = 1,
bl_mynn_edmf_mom = 0,
bl_mynn_edmf_tke = 0,
bl_mynn_mixlength = 2,
grav_settling = 0,
scalar_pblmix = 1,
cu_physics = 0, 0,
cudt = 0, 5, 5,
icloud = 1,
surface_input_source = 1,
num_soil_layers = 4,
mp_zero_out = 2,
mp_zero_out_thresh = 1.e-12,
use_aero_icbc = .false.,
aer_opt = 3,
num_land_cat = 21,
hailcast_opt = 1
haildt = 60,
do_radar_ref = 1,
solar_diagnostics = 1,
I've been working to get the WRF-Solar options working in my versions of WRF, v4.2. First, thank you to the developers for the helpful WRF-Solar user guide online - I was able to get the GHI, DNI, and DIF special variables output with no problem, and the output looks reasonable.
My problem is the variables output by the solar_diagnostics namelist option (e.g., CLDFRAC2D, CBASEHT, CTOPHT, CLDIDX, and SZA). I'm interested in having those output on the model grid, so have the solar_diagnostics option turned on - but nothing is output. I checked the rsl.error.0000 file, and see that the solar diagnostic module is not even being called. What could I be doing wrong?
Below is the &physics section of my namelist. Points that might be of interest are that I am using Thompson aerosol aware microphysics with RRTMG radiation along with the aer_opt=3 option, so the aerosols, microphysics, and radiation should all be fully coupled (or at least that is my intention). I am also using swint_opt=2 so FARMS is called every timestep.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
mp_physics = 28, 8, 8,
ra_lw_physics = 4, 1, 1,
ra_sw_physics = 4, 2, 2,
radt = 15, 10, 10,
swint_opt = 2,
CO2TF = 1,
sf_sfclay_physics = 5, 2, 2,
sf_surface_physics = 2, 2, 2,
sf_urban_physics = 0, 0, 0,
bl_pbl_physics = 5, 2, 2,
bldt = 0, 0, 0,
bl_mynn_tkebudget = 0,
bl_mynn_tkeadvect = .false.,
bl_mynn_cloudpdf = 2,
bl_mynn_edmf = 1,
bl_mynn_edmf_mom = 0,
bl_mynn_edmf_tke = 0,
bl_mynn_mixlength = 2,
grav_settling = 0,
scalar_pblmix = 1,
cu_physics = 0, 0,
cudt = 0, 5, 5,
icloud = 1,
surface_input_source = 1,
num_soil_layers = 4,
mp_zero_out = 2,
mp_zero_out_thresh = 1.e-12,
use_aero_icbc = .false.,
aer_opt = 3,
num_land_cat = 21,
hailcast_opt = 1
haildt = 60,
do_radar_ref = 1,
solar_diagnostics = 1,