I am trying to better understand how the surface update file functions within the code. Specifically, how does the model update its SST and sea-ice values using the srf_update.nc? Does the srf_update file nudge the result each day or is there another method? I am unable to find the specific in the User Guide of Tutorial.
Also, when I try to plot my srf_update file using the plot_detla_sst.ncl script (following the tutorial directions) I get the follow error:
MPAS-Model/enso% setenv FNAME x4.535554.enso.sfc_update.nc
MPAS-Model/enso% setenv GNAME x4.535554.enso.static.nc
MPAS-Model/enso% bash
(NPL) zmenzo@cheyenne2:/glade/work/zmenzo/MPAS-Model/enso> ncl plot_delta_sst.ncl
Copyright (C) 1995-2017 - All Rights Reserved
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
NCAR Command Language Version 6.4.0
The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
See http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/ for more details.
fatal:ContourPlotPreDraw: Workspace reallocation would exceed maximum size 100000000
fatal:ContourPlotDraw: draw error
fatallotManagerPreDraw: error in plot pre-draw
fatal:_NhlPlotManagerDraw: PreDraw error
I am assuming that this is due to the fact that I am using an x4.535554 grid and it is too high-resolution for the ncl script. Is this assumption correct? If so what is another quick way to render images with high-resolution meshes?
I am trying to better understand how the surface update file functions within the code. Specifically, how does the model update its SST and sea-ice values using the srf_update.nc? Does the srf_update file nudge the result each day or is there another method? I am unable to find the specific in the User Guide of Tutorial.
Also, when I try to plot my srf_update file using the plot_detla_sst.ncl script (following the tutorial directions) I get the follow error:
MPAS-Model/enso% setenv FNAME x4.535554.enso.sfc_update.nc
MPAS-Model/enso% setenv GNAME x4.535554.enso.static.nc
MPAS-Model/enso% bash
(NPL) zmenzo@cheyenne2:/glade/work/zmenzo/MPAS-Model/enso> ncl plot_delta_sst.ncl
Copyright (C) 1995-2017 - All Rights Reserved
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
NCAR Command Language Version 6.4.0
The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
See http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/ for more details.
fatal:ContourPlotPreDraw: Workspace reallocation would exceed maximum size 100000000
fatal:ContourPlotDraw: draw error
fatallotManagerPreDraw: error in plot pre-draw
fatal:_NhlPlotManagerDraw: PreDraw error
I am assuming that this is due to the fact that I am using an x4.535554 grid and it is too high-resolution for the ncl script. Is this assumption correct? If so what is another quick way to render images with high-resolution meshes?