Good morning,
I am a new MPAS user and am battling to successfully complete the static initialization of one of the uniform-resolution grids (15km - x1.2621442). I have managed to complete this, without any problems, on many other meshes (15km variable-resolution, 25km variable-resolution, 240km uniform-resolution and 240-km variable resolution).
The job is terminated at the same point on every attempt with exit code 137 & the static error file (below) suggests that this is due to a memory limit.
I would appreciate any advice as to how I may resolve this. Thanks!
I am a new MPAS user and am battling to successfully complete the static initialization of one of the uniform-resolution grids (15km - x1.2621442). I have managed to complete this, without any problems, on many other meshes (15km variable-resolution, 25km variable-resolution, 240km uniform-resolution and 240-km variable resolution).
The job is terminated at the same point on every attempt with exit code 137 & the static error file (below) suggests that this is due to a memory limit.
I would appreciate any advice as to how I may resolve this. Thanks!
Operating system error: Cannot allocate memory
Allocation would exceed memory limit
Error termination. Backtrace:
Could not print backtrace: mmap: Cannot allocate memory
#0 0x2aaaab8b1d8a
#1 0x2aaaab8b2865
#2 0x2aaaab8b2a62
#3 0x55d506
#4 0x5082c5
#5 0x50f886
#6 0x43a88c
#7 0x408a60
#8 0x40802b
#9 0x2aaaac551b34
#10 0x408062
#11 0xffffffffffffffff
Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 0 on node cnode0629 exited on signal 9 (Killed).