I am using WRFV4.1 and UPPV4. The parent model I am using is the NAM and running a 3-way nest at 10, 3, and 1 km. The WRF completes, as does UPP, but when I view my cloud output it is not correct. I do not see any obvious errors along the way from either the WRF or UPP, and other elements of the forecast look on track except for the clouds. I have tried using grib and grib2 but the output looks the same. The cloud fraction output from the WRF looks reasonable, but after it completes UPP it looks nothing like the CLDFRAC from the WRF. I have attached a couple of screen shots from Panoply to the post. Anyone have any idea of what could be going on here to cause the striped appearance to the clouds (in this case Total Cloud Entire Atmosphere).
I am using WRFV4.1 and UPPV4. The parent model I am using is the NAM and running a 3-way nest at 10, 3, and 1 km. The WRF completes, as does UPP, but when I view my cloud output it is not correct. I do not see any obvious errors along the way from either the WRF or UPP, and other elements of the forecast look on track except for the clouds. I have tried using grib and grib2 but the output looks the same. The cloud fraction output from the WRF looks reasonable, but after it completes UPP it looks nothing like the CLDFRAC from the WRF. I have attached a couple of screen shots from Panoply to the post. Anyone have any idea of what could be going on here to cause the striped appearance to the clouds (in this case Total Cloud Entire Atmosphere).