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take too long time for running wrf.exe (too slow)

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
I try to run wrf.exe for only 7 days, but it's too slow.
I waited a week but didn't complete it. I use 20 core with "mpirun -np 20 ./wrf.exe"

Could you help me to solve this problem?
I attached my files.

And this is my rsl.error.0000 file below.

module_io_quilt_old.F 2931 F
Quilting with 1 groups of 0 I/O tasks.
Ntasks in X 4 , ntasks in Y 5
Domain # 1: dx = 15000.000 m
git commit f10d917d5c98473ea9b33e59f3ee29813454bd01
Parent domain
ids,ide,jds,jde 1 296 1 225
ims,ime,jms,jme -4 81 -4 52
ips,ipe,jps,jpe 1 74 1 45
DYNAMICS OPTION: Eulerian Mass Coordinate
alloc_space_field: domain 1 , 163717384 bytes allocated
med_initialdata_input: calling input_input
Input data is acceptable to use: wrfinput_d01
CURRENT DATE = 2018-01-01_00:00:00
SIMULATION START DATE = 2018-01-01_00:00:00
Timing for processing wrfinput file (stream 0) for domain 1: 43.27184 elapsed seconds
Max map factor in domain 1 = 1.07. Scale the dt in the model accordingly.
D01: Time step = 60.0000000 (s)
D01: Grid Distance = 15.0000000 (km)
D01: Grid Distance Ratio dt/dx = 4.00000000 (s/km)
D01: Ratio Including Maximum Map Factor = 4.28624249 (s/km)
D01: NML defined reasonable_time_step_ratio = 6.00000000
Timing for Writing wrfout_d01_2018-01-01_00:00:00 for domain 1: 77.95033 elapsed seconds
Input data is acceptable to use: wrfbdy_d01
Timing for processing lateral boundary for domain 1: 32.24707 elapsed seconds
Tile Strategy is not specified. Assuming 1D-Y
WRF TILE 1 IS 1 IE 74 JS 1 JE 2
WRF TILE 2 IS 1 IE 74 JS 3 JE 4
WRF TILE 3 IS 1 IE 74 JS 5 JE 6
WRF TILE 4 IS 1 IE 74 JS 7 JE 8
WRF TILE 5 IS 1 IE 74 JS 9 JE 10
WRF TILE 6 IS 1 IE 74 JS 11 JE 11
WRF TILE 7 IS 1 IE 74 JS 12 JE 12
WRF TILE 8 IS 1 IE 74 JS 13 JE 13
WRF TILE 9 IS 1 IE 74 JS 14 JE 14
WRF TILE 10 IS 1 IE 74 JS 15 JE 15
WRF TILE 11 IS 1 IE 74 JS 16 JE 16
WRF TILE 12 IS 1 IE 74 JS 17 JE 17
WRF TILE 13 IS 1 IE 74 JS 18 JE 18
WRF TILE 14 IS 1 IE 74 JS 19 JE 19
WRF TILE 15 IS 1 IE 74 JS 20 JE 20
WRF TILE 16 IS 1 IE 74 JS 21 JE 21
WRF TILE 17 IS 1 IE 74 JS 22 JE 22
WRF TILE 18 IS 1 IE 74 JS 23 JE 23
WRF TILE 19 IS 1 IE 74 JS 24 JE 24
WRF TILE 20 IS 1 IE 74 JS 25 JE 25
WRF TILE 21 IS 1 IE 74 JS 26 JE 26
WRF TILE 22 IS 1 IE 74 JS 27 JE 27
WRF TILE 23 IS 1 IE 74 JS 28 JE 28
WRF TILE 24 IS 1 IE 74 JS 29 JE 29
WRF TILE 25 IS 1 IE 74 JS 30 JE 30
WRF TILE 26 IS 1 IE 74 JS 31 JE 31
WRF TILE 27 IS 1 IE 74 JS 32 JE 32
WRF TILE 28 IS 1 IE 74 JS 33 JE 33
WRF TILE 29 IS 1 IE 74 JS 34 JE 34
WRF TILE 30 IS 1 IE 74 JS 35 JE 35
WRF TILE 31 IS 1 IE 74 JS 36 JE 36
WRF TILE 32 IS 1 IE 74 JS 37 JE 37
WRF TILE 33 IS 1 IE 74 JS 38 JE 39
WRF TILE 34 IS 1 IE 74 JS 40 JE 41
WRF TILE 35 IS 1 IE 74 JS 42 JE 43
WRF TILE 36 IS 1 IE 74 JS 44 JE 45
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:01:00 on domain 1: 953.64429 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:02:00 on domain 1: 847.26520 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:03:00 on domain 1: 477.08594 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:04:00 on domain 1: 395.30133 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:05:00 on domain 1: 396.71310 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:06:00 on domain 1: 397.08054 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:07:00 on domain 1: 395.56000 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:08:00 on domain 1: 394.47882 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:09:00 on domain 1: 400.66177 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:10:00 on domain 1: 396.01517 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:11:00 on domain 1: 398.08447 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:12:00 on domain 1: 393.69965 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:13:00 on domain 1: 396.82877 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:14:00 on domain 1: 396.56128 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:15:00 on domain 1: 397.86172 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:16:00 on domain 1: 397.10208 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:17:00 on domain 1: 398.21533 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:18:00 on domain 1: 398.90652 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:19:00 on domain 1: 397.74756 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:20:00 on domain 1: 396.38538 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:21:00 on domain 1: 391.89209 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:22:00 on domain 1: 401.06293 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:23:00 on domain 1: 398.65265 elapsed seconds
Timing for main: time 2018-01-01_00:24:00 on domain 1: 396.08527 elapsed seconds




  • configure.wrf
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  • namelist.input
    3.6 KB · Views: 20