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I would like to evaluate horizontal temperature (T) advection from wrfout_d[X]* files on the model levels (following the terrain). I’m an NCL user and didn't find a specific function for curvilinear grids. I this case I would like to ask you if the following “numerical recipe” is a good approach to evaluate these fields:
*** To evaluate horizontal gradients I plan to use the following relationship:
I would like to evaluate horizontal temperature (T) advection from wrfout_d[X]* files on the model levels (following the terrain). I’m an NCL user and didn't find a specific function for curvilinear grids. I this case I would like to ask you if the following “numerical recipe” is a good approach to evaluate these fields:
- Evaluate temperature gradient*** on the model X and Y coordinates.
- The temperature gradient will be in U (for X) and V (for Y) staggered points as the temperature is on mass points. So, It would be rotated to Earth coordinates as wind components.
- Using wind Earth rotated components evaluate the advection as: adv_T = U*(dT/dx) + V*(dT/dy)
*** To evaluate horizontal gradients I plan to use the following relationship:
Please, let me know if this method is a good way to accomplish this task. Furthermore, I appreciate it if you have a piece of code that evaluates this advection to guide me.