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Temperature Diagnostic from WRF

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hi all,

I am looking to analyse the vertical temperature variation with altitude and pressure levels.
Can you please help how can I do that from the WRF outputs?

Please advice.

Best, Lin
Hi AlainF,

Many thanks for your reply. Could you give a bit more detail about how can I start with doing what you suggested?

Also, I am interested in looking at temperatures at different attitudes above my domain and I am not sure which output variable in wrfout files provides that.

Additionally, can you suggest how can I retrieve heights and temp at different heights in the atmosphere from WRF?

Please can anyone from the team help?

Thanks, Lin
Well, I suggest that you first use the Integrated data viewer. They have a website here :
Then, you will discover how you can create a sounding diagram from a grib or grib2 file that has been processed from wrfout-->grib/grib2 by unipost.exe.
Of course, you first need to run unipost.exe to generate the grib files, but maybe you have already done it.