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The impact of 'par out of range'


New member
Hi everyone, I checked rsl.out while running wrf-chem and found some different logs such as:
'calculate MEGAN emissions at ktau, gmtp, tmidh = 360 5.000000 5.991667
par out of range at i= 1,j= 50 par =2634.567
par out of range at i= 2,j= 50 par =2635.561
par out of range at i= 3,j= 50 par =2642.626
par out of range at i= 1,j= 51 par =2665.172
par out of range at i= 2,j= 51 par =2660.978
par out of range at i= 3,j= 51 par =2652.307
par out of range at i= 4,j= 51 par =2631.947
par out of range at i= 1,j= 52 par =2670.596
par out of range at i= 2,j= 52 par =2649.522 '
I don't know exactly what the problem is and how it will affect my simulation. If you have any ideas, I would appreciate it


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PAR is one component used to calculate how plants respond/emit gases. That component will likely be maxed out so your emisisons may be high. You may want to check fields in the output related to downward shortwave radiation to ensure your simulation is working correctly. Does your domain include very high elevation areas?


PAR is one component used to calculate how plants respond/emit gases. That component will likely be maxed out so your emisisons may be high. You may want to check fields in the output related to downward shortwave radiation to ensure your simulation is working correctly. Does your domain include very high elevation areas?

Thanks for your answer. Part of my region is indeed at a higher altitude, and as for shortwave radiation, my ra_sw_physics=3 selected CAM scheme. The simulation of others may not be accurate