Dear Colleges,
I successfully compiled the WRF model on GADI cluster with the dmpar mode (the details are in the attached configure.wrf file). The real.exe runs fine when I submit the job to the cluster with qsub command. The wrf.exe stops running at the beginning showing errors, only creating the first wrfout file. The namelist file is attached. The rsl* files, the wrfinput_d01 and wrfbdy_d01 files and the log file form the submitted job (run_mpi.o6159534) are in the in the attached input.tar.gz file.
Please note in my job submit script I upload openmpi module before running the wrf with mpirun.
module purge
module load pbs
module load dot
module load intel-compiler/2019.3.199
module load openmpi/4.0.2
module load hdf5/1.10.5
module load netcdf/4.7.1
export JASPERINC=/usr/include
export JASPERLIB=/usr/lib64
Kind regards,
I successfully compiled the WRF model on GADI cluster with the dmpar mode (the details are in the attached configure.wrf file). The real.exe runs fine when I submit the job to the cluster with qsub command. The wrf.exe stops running at the beginning showing errors, only creating the first wrfout file. The namelist file is attached. The rsl* files, the wrfinput_d01 and wrfbdy_d01 files and the log file form the submitted job (run_mpi.o6159534) are in the in the attached input.tar.gz file.
Please note in my job submit script I upload openmpi module before running the wrf with mpirun.
module purge
module load pbs
module load dot
module load intel-compiler/2019.3.199
module load openmpi/4.0.2
module load hdf5/1.10.5
module load netcdf/4.7.1
export JASPERINC=/usr/include
export JASPERLIB=/usr/lib64
Kind regards,