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transport contribution


New member
Hello all,
I want to compare the contribution of deposition and transport flux in gaseous concentration. I have deposition variables in my wrfout (in mol/m2), but for transport contribution, I have advh_(gas) in ppmv.
1. Can I use advh_(gas) variables to calculate transport flux?
2. What negative and positive values show in the advh_xx variable?
3. And, how should I handle its unit? I mean I want its unit to be in mol/m2.
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Hello , I read your Question so my opinion on it is that you should try this three thinks , Yes, you can use the advh_(gas) variables to calculate the transport flux. The advh_(gas) variable represents the advective transport of the gas in parts per million by volume (ppmv). To calculate the transport flux, you would need to multiply the advh_(gas) values by the appropriate area and convert the units accordingly. The advh_(gas) variable can have both negative and positive values. Negative values indicate transport away from the specified location or domain, while positive values indicate transport toward the location or domain. The sign of the values depends on the direction and magnitude of the advective flow of the gas. To handle the unit conversion and express the transport flux in mol/m2, you would need additional information. Specifically, you would need to know the horizontal grid cell area or the area over which you want to calculate the transport flux. By multiplying the advh_(gas) values by the area in square meters and converting the units appropriately, you can obtain the transport flux in mol/m2. MyMileStoneCard
Thanks for your help.