I'm attempting to compile WPS following the instructions in the online tutorial at https://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/OnLineTutorial/compilation_tutorial.php#STEP5
and am finding that ungrib.exe is not created, while geogrid.exe and metgrid.exe are of zero size.
I've searched for "Error" in log.compile and found the first instance to be
> add_lvls, new_plvl, interp_type, ec_rec_len, pmin
> 1
>Error: NAMELIST attribute conflicts with ALLOCATABLE attribute in 'new_plvl' at (1)
> read(10,NML=ungrib,END=100)
> 1
>Error: Symbol 'ungrib' at (1) must be a NAMELIST group name
A further error is as follows:
>ar: creating libpgu.a
>ar: read_namelist.o: No such file or directory
>make[1]: [libpgu.a] Error 1 (ignored)
>ranlib libpgu.a
>ranlib: 'libpgu.a': No such file
>make[1]: [libpgu.a] Error 1 (ignored)
I attach the configure.wps and log.compile files. Assistance would be appreciated as I cannot figure out what is going on here!
and am finding that ungrib.exe is not created, while geogrid.exe and metgrid.exe are of zero size.
I've searched for "Error" in log.compile and found the first instance to be
> add_lvls, new_plvl, interp_type, ec_rec_len, pmin
> 1
>Error: NAMELIST attribute conflicts with ALLOCATABLE attribute in 'new_plvl' at (1)
> read(10,NML=ungrib,END=100)
> 1
>Error: Symbol 'ungrib' at (1) must be a NAMELIST group name
A further error is as follows:
>ar: creating libpgu.a
>ar: read_namelist.o: No such file or directory
>make[1]: [libpgu.a] Error 1 (ignored)
>ranlib libpgu.a
>ranlib: 'libpgu.a': No such file
>make[1]: [libpgu.a] Error 1 (ignored)
I attach the configure.wps and log.compile files. Assistance would be appreciated as I cannot figure out what is going on here!