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UPP stops after having processed 1 file

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.



I have UPP V3.2, trying to process wrfout files into grib files. My WRF version is 4.2.1
I have 3 domains and I want to process the d03 domain.
The forecast of the domain 3 starts on 2020-09-05 at 18h00 :wrfout_d03_2020-09-05_18:00:00
The forecast ends on 2020-09-07 at 00h00 : wrfout_d03_2020-09-07_00:00:00
Time between wrfout outputs is 30 min.
I use the script run_unipost_minutes, with the following parameters :

export startdate=2020090518
export fhr=00
export lastfhr=30
export incrementhr=01
export startmin=00
export incrementmin=30
export lastmin=59

# Set domain lists
export domain_list="d03"

The script runs the program by mpirun.

The first wrfout file is processed but then the program stops :

wrf@ubuntu:~/atlantic/postprd$ ./run_unipost_minutes
+ WRF_DIR=/home/wrf/WRF
+ export WRF_DIR
+ TOP_DIR=/home/wrf
+ export TOP_DIR
+ DOMAINPATH=/home/wrf/atlantic
+ WRFPATH=/home/wrf/WRF
+ export WRFPATH
+ UNIPOST_HOME=/home/wrf/UPPV3.2
+ POSTEXEC=/home/wrf/UPPV3.2/bin
+ export POSTEXEC
+ SCRIPTS=/home/wrf/UPPV3.2/scripts
+ export SCRIPTS
+ modelDataPath=/home/wrf/atlantic/wrfprd
+ export modelDataPath
+ paramFile=/home/wrf/atlantic/parm/wrf_cntrl.parm
+ export paramFile
+ xmlCntrlFile=/home/wrf/atlantic/parm/postcntrl.xml
+ export xmlCntrlFile
+ txtCntrlFile=/home/wrf/atlantic/parm/postxconfig-NT_WRF.txt
+ export txtCntrlFile
+ dyncore=ARW
+ export dyncore
+ inFormat=netcdf
+ export inFormat
+ outFormat=grib
+ export outFormat
+ startdate=2020090518
+ export startdate
+ fhr=00
+ export fhr
+ lastfhr=30
+ export lastfhr
+ incrementhr=01
+ export incrementhr
+ startmin=00
+ export startmin
+ incrementmin=30
+ export incrementmin
+ lastmin=59
+ export lastmin
+ domain_list=d03
+ export domain_list
+ RUN_COMMAND='mpirun -np 6 /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/bin/unipost.exe '
+ export RUN_COMMAND
+ copygb_opt=lambert
+ export copygb_opt
+ tmmark=tm00
+ export tmmark
+ export MP_LABELIO
+ [ ! -d /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/bin ]
+ [ ! -x /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/bin/unipost.exe ]
+ [ ! -x /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/bin/copygb.exe ]
+ [ ! -x /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/bin/ndate.exe ]
+ [ ARW '=' ARW ]
+ tag=NCAR
+ export tag
+ [[ ARW == ARW ]]
+ [[ netcdf != netcdf ]]
+ [[ grib == grib ]]
+ [ ! -e /home/wrf/atlantic/parm/wrf_cntrl.parm ]
+ [ ! -d /home/wrf/atlantic/postprd ]
+ [ 01 -eq 0 ]
+ [ lambert '==' awips ]
+ [ lambert '==' custom ]
+ cd /home/wrf/atlantic/postprd
+ err1=0
+ test 0 -ne 0
+ [[ grib == grib ]]
+ [[ ARW == ARW ]]
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/atlantic/parm/wrf_cntrl.parm wrf_cntrl.parm
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/WRF/run/ETAMPNEW_DATA nam_micro_lookup.dat
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/WRF/run/ETAMPNEW_DATA.expanded_rain hires_micro_lookup.dat
+ CRTMDIR=/home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/EmisCoeff/Big_Endian/EmisCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/AerosolCoeff/Big_Endian/AerosolCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/CloudCoeff/Big_Endian/CloudCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/imgr_g11.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/imgr_g11.TauCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/imgr_g12.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/imgr_g12.TauCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/imgr_g13.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/imgr_g13.TauCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/imgr_g15.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/imgr_g15.TauCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/imgr_mt1r.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/imgr_mt1r.TauCoeff.bin
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/imgr_mt2.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/imgr_mt2.TauCoeff.bin
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/imgr_insat3d.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/imgr_insat3d.TauCoeff.bin
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/amsre_aqua.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/amsre_aqua.TauCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/tmi_trmm.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/tmi_trmm.TauCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/ssmi_f13.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/ssmi_f13.TauCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/ssmi_f14.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/ssmi_f14.TauCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/ssmi_f15.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/ssmi_f15.TauCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/ssmis_f16.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/ssmis_f16.TauCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/ssmis_f17.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/ssmis_f17.TauCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/ssmis_f18.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/ssmis_f18.TauCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/ssmis_f19.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/ssmis_f19.TauCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/ssmis_f20.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/ssmis_f20.TauCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/seviri_m10.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/seviri_m10.TauCoeff.bin ./
+ ln -fs /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/src/lib/crtm2/src/fix/SpcCoeff/Big_Endian/v.seviri_m10.SpcCoeff.bin ./
+ NEWDATE=2020090518
+ export NEWDATE
+ [ 0 -le 30 ]
+ printf %02i 00
+ fhr=00
+ /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/bin/ndate.exe +0 2020090518
+ NEWDATE=2020090518
+ cut -c1-4
+ echo 2020090518
+ YY=2020
+ cut -c5-6
+ echo 2020090518
+ MM=09
+ cut -c7-8
+ echo 2020090518
+ DD=05
+ cut -c9-10
+ echo 2020090518
+ HH=18
+ echo NEWDATE 2020090518
NEWDATE 2020090518
+ echo YY 2020
YY 2020
+ min=00
+ export min
+ [ 00 -le 59 ]
+ cut -d d -f 2
+ echo d03
+ dom_id=03
+ [[ ARW == ARW ]]
+ inFileName=/home/wrf/atlantic/wrfprd/wrfout_d03_2020-09-05_18:00:00
+ validTime=2020-09-05_18:00:00
+ [[ ! -e /home/wrf/atlantic/wrfprd/wrfout_d03_2020-09-05_18:00:00 ]]
+ [[ grib == grib ]]
+ cat
+ 1> itag 0<< \EOF
+ rm fort.110 fort.14
+ ln -sf /home/wrf/atlantic/parm/wrf_cntrl.parm fort.14
+ mpirun -np 6 /home/wrf/UPPV3.2/bin/unipost.exe
+ 1> unipost_d03.00.out 2>& 1
+ [[ ARW == ARW ]]
+ [ 00 '=' 00 ]
+ mv WRFPRS00.tm00 WRFPRS_d03.00_00
mv: impossible d'évaluer 'WRFPRS00.tm00': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
+ [[ ARW == ARW ]]
+ ls -l WRFPRS_d03.00_00
ls: impossible d'accéder à 'WRFPRS_d03.00_00': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
+ err1=2
+ test 2 -ne 0
+ exit

It looks like the WRFPRS_d03.00_00 is not generated.
I have attached the unipost_d03.00.out file.

What could be the problem ?

Thank you for your help !


  • unipost_d03.00.txt
    421.9 KB · Views: 64

Looking at your unipost.out logfile, it looks to me like you are just putting in the wrong startdate. UPP expects the startdate of your model run, which looks to be 2020-09-05_06:00:00. I expect this is the startdate for d01? In your WRF output, if you do an 'ncdump -h', there will be 2 dates in the global attributes, 'START_DATE' and 'SIMULATION_START_DATE'. You will want to use 'START_DATE' for the run_unipost script and then you would adjust your forecast hours based off that date. I do not see any errors in the unipost.out, so it does not appear that there are any issues with your actual run, so once you get this fixed, you should be good. Let me know if you have any other issues with this.

Yes it works ! :)

I have changed the different date values, as you have said. All the grib files are created.

Now I will try to move one step forward.
I might write some other topics on this forum in case of other issues.

Thanks a lot.
i have the same error but i can't solve it
ls -l WRFPRS_d01.00
ls: cannot access 'WRFPRS_d01.00': No such file or directory
+ err1=2
+ test 2 -ne 0
+ exit
and for the unipost_d01.out file contient this error

At line 217 of file WRFPOST.f (unit = 5, file = 'stdin')
Fortran runtime error: Error closing file in OPEN statement

Error termination. Backtrace:
mype= 1 npes= 12 after comm split
mype= 1 npes_new= 12
At line 217 of file WRFPOST.f (unit = 5, file = 'stdin')
Fortran runtime error: Error closing file in OPEN statement
This is an error that we have seen before and is likely caused by your version of MPI not getting along with the use of the stdin 'unit 5' for I/O.

Try editing the WRFPOST.f routine and change all instances of unit '5' to '4' (starting with L217 where the error first occurs). Depending on your UPP version, this file will either be in UPP/src/unipost or UPP/sorc/ncep_post.fd. You will then need to recompile your code. Please let us know if that does not work.