I am trying to use other biomass burning emission inventories like QFED, GFAS. The data from these products are in netcdf files unlike FINN which provides the text files (used by FINN fire_emis utility to make wrffirechemi files). I would like to know is there any established procedure of using these gridded files during WRF Chem run. Also I think the model requires mean area fraction and fire cell size for its working. I am not sure how to provide this. Thanks.
I am trying to use other biomass burning emission inventories like QFED, GFAS. The data from these products are in netcdf files unlike FINN which provides the text files (used by FINN fire_emis utility to make wrffirechemi files). I would like to know is there any established procedure of using these gridded files during WRF Chem run. Also I think the model requires mean area fraction and fire cell size for its working. I am not sure how to provide this. Thanks.