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Virtual MPAS-Atmosphere Tutorial: 12 - 14 April 2021


Staff member
Dear WRF/MPAS Community:

The Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology (MMM) Laboratory of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) will be hosting a virtual tutorial on the Model for Prediction Across Scales – Atmosphere (MPAS-A), to be held 12 - 14 April 2021. The tutorial will cover the basics of how to set-up, run, and post-process stand-alone MPAS-A simulations. Topics that will be covered will include:

  • Horizontal (uniform and variable resolution) mesh configuration
  • Global and regional configurations
  • Real-data and idealized case initialization
  • MPAS-A dynamical solver and numerical methods
  • MPAS-A physics
  • Software framework and MPAS infrastructure
  • Post-processing tools

The primary audience for this tutorial is new or beginning users of MPAS-Atmosphere. Basic knowledge of atmospheric science and numerical modeling, as well as experience working in a Unix environment, are required for the tutorial.

The tutorial will consist of live lectures, pre-recorded lectures that participants are expected to view before or during the tutorial, questions and answer sessions, and practical sessions where participants will gain experience building, configuring and running the MPAS-Atmosphere model.

Important dates:
Registration opens: 1 March 2021
Registration closes: 31 March 2021
Tutorial dates: 12 - 14 April 2021

There is no cost to register for the tutorial. However, space is limited and computing accounts will be created for the purpose of running the practical exercises of the tutorial, so we ask that anyone registering for the tutorial be willing to fully commit to participating.

Further information can be found on the tutorial website:

Kind regards,
The MPAS-Atmosphere Developers