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When I compile em_real in supercomputing, it shows some special Warnings

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


Hi, firends,
When I compile em_real in supercomputing ,it shows some special Warnings compared with the compiled results on my normal computer:
WARNING: ts_swp_tot is not a member of 4D array state
WARNING: ts_re_qs_tot is not a member of 4D array state
WARNING: ts_tau_qs_tot is not a member of 4D array state
WARNING: fire_smoke is not a member of 4D array state
time mpif90 -f90=ifort -o wrf_debug.o -c -O3 -ip -fp-model precise -w -ftz -align all -fno-alias -FR -convert big_endian -I../dyn_em -I../dyn_nmm -I/home/chenxy2020/WRF-4.2/external/esmf_time_f90 -I/home/chenxy2020/WRF-4.2/main -I/home/chenxy2020/WRF-4.2/external/io_netcdf -I/home/chenxy2020/WRF-4.2/external/io_int -I/home/chenxy2020/WRF-4.2/frame -I/home/chenxy2020/WRF-4.2/share -I/home/chenxy2020/WRF-4.2/phys -I/home/chenxy2020/WRF-4.2/wrftladj -I/home/chenxy2020/WRF-4.2/chem -I/home/chenxy2020/WRF-4.2/inc -I/home/chenxy2020/Software/netcdf-intel/include -real-size `expr 8 \* 4` -i4 wrf_debug.f90
WARNING: fad0_urb2d is not a member of 4D array state
WARNING: fad135_urb2d is not a member of 4D array state
WARNING: fad45_urb2d is not a member of 4D array state
WARNING: pad_urb2d is not a member of 4D array state
WARNING: fad90_urb2d is not a member of 4D array state
WARNING: rad_urb2d is not a member of 4D array state
WARNING: car_urb2d is not a member of 4D array state
WARNING: h2w_urb2d is not a member of 4D array state
WARNING: svf_urb2d is not a member of 4D array state
WARNING: z0s_urb2d is not a member of 4D array state
WARNING: z0r_urb2d is not a member of 4D array state
WARNING: z0m_urb2d is not a member of 4D array state
WARNING: zds_urb2d is not a member of 4D array state
WARNING: zdm_urb2d is not a member of 4D array state
WARNING: zdr_urb2d is not a member of 4D array state
What contribute to these warnings?
I have some problem about the difference of precipitation results of running wrf-chem4.2 between my ordinary computer and supercomputing.

[attachment=1]6A)NF4{R42JINEM0(B%8OWV.png[/My ordinary computer]


Is those warnings cause the below difference?or my compile environment?
Which one should I believe?


  • 6A)NF4{R42JINEM0(B%8OWV.png
    110.3 KB · Views: 960
  • K48C~52P%A)VI$ZLDH[ZSUD.png
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