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when using a WRFDA analysis to run a WRF forecast,the result has a discontinuous boundary


New member
I am trying to use a wrfvar_output to run a WRF forecast, and I have updated the WRF lateral boundary conditions. Then I run WRF with the new wrfinput(wrfvar_output) and the new wrfbdy_d01,but my forecast has discontinuities and poor results at the boundary. I don’t know what is wrong.
I do the test by following these steps:
1. Generate initial conditions for WRF(wrfinput) via WPS and real.exe
2. Run WRFDA on this wrfinput to assimilate observations and produce a wrfvar_output file
3. Run da_update_bc.exe to update the WRF lateral boundary conditions file created in step1(wrfbdy_d01),the input file is wrfvar_output and wrfbdy_d01
4. Run wrf.exe with the new wrfbdy_d01 and the new wrfinput(wrfvar_output) to produce a WRF forecast

The result(figure 1,figure2) shows there is a obvious discontinuity at bounary.


The file is that:


da_file = './wrfvar_output'

wrf_bdy_file = './wrfbdy_d01'

wrf_input = './wrfinput_d01'

domain_id = 1

cycling = .false.

debug = .true.

update_lateral_bdy = .true.

update_low_bdy = .false.

update_lsm = .false.

var4d_lbc = .false.


The domain is that:


parent_id = 1,
parent_grid_ratio = 1,

i_parent_start = 1,

j_parent_start = 1,

e_we = 400,

e_sn = 350,

geog_data_res = 'modis_30s_lake+5m',

dx = 5000,

dy = 5000,

map_proj = 'lambert',

ref_lat = 35,

ref_lon = 115,

truelat1 = 25.0,

truelat2 = 40.0,

stand_lon = 115,

Any suggestion will be appreciated!