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On Friday 21 April 2023 @ 5pm MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online the morning of 24 April 2023 at the latest

WRF-chem cannot runout the wrfout see attached namelist.input and rsl.out.0000


New member
WRF-chem cannot runout see attached namelist.input and rsl.out.0000

WARNING: SAPRC99_MOSAIC_8BIN_VBS2_4BIN chemistry option is highly experimental and not recommended for use.

Timing for Writing wrfout_d01_2022-01-24_00:00:00 for domain 1: 2.47703 elapsed seconds
mediation_integrate: med_read_wrf_chem_emissions: Open file wrfchemi_00z_d01
mediation_integrate: med_read_wrf_chem_emissions: Read emissions for time 2022-01-24_00:00:00
d01 2022-01-24_00:00:00 Error trying to read metadata
d01 2022-01-24_00:00:00 Input data is acceptable to use: wrfchemi_00z_d01
**WARNING** Time in input file not being checked **WARNING**
d01 2022-01-24_00:00:00 Input data is acceptable to use: wrfbiochemi_d01
**WARNING** Time in input file not being checked **WARNING**
d01 2022-01-24_00:00:00 Input data processed for aux input 6 for domain 1
d01 2022-01-24_00:00:00 Input data is acceptable to use: wrfchemi_gocart_bg_d01
**WARNING** Time in input file not being checked **WARNING**
d01 2022-01-24_00:00:00 Input data processed for aux input 8 for domain 1
d01 2022-01-24_00:00:00 Input data is acceptable to use: wrffdda_d01
d01 2022-01-24_00:00:00 Input data processed for aux input 10 for domain 1
d01 2022-01-24_00:00:00 Input data is acceptable to use: wrfbdy_d01

Timing for main: time 2022-01-24_00:29:00 on domain 1: 4.73353 elapsed seconds
calculate MEGAN emissions at ktau, gmtp, tmidh = 30 0.00000000 0.491666675
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 1
Warning: refr is smaller than lookup table range and reset to minimum bound at LW band 2


  • namelist.input
    8.9 KB · Views: 11
  • rsl.out.0000
    1.3 MB · Views: 1