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This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.

Georgii Nerobelov

New member
Hello sir or madam,

Recently I`ve started working with global options of WRF-CHEM to simulate global spatial-temporal CO2 distribution. But unfortunately I`ve faced an issue of CO2 convergence on both South and North Poles (CO2 is accumulated there leading to unrealistic enormous values e.g. 10000-20000 ppm and higher depending on forecast lenght). There is an option in namelist.input - "fft_filter_lat" which somehow (there is a description in WRF Tech Notes) solves the issue (it is supposed so). But using this filter I still get the same errors on both Poles.
Is there someone who worked with WRF-CHEM on Global scale? Or probabply you can suggest any appropriate solution or idea.
The purpose of runing WRF-CHEM on global scale is to achieve CO2 concentration during April 2019 (whole month) to set up and run then WRF-CHEM on regional scale using Global modeled results. There are no CO2 concentration datasets for the period of April 2019 in free access (or in any access), that is. I appretiate any help (ideas,suggestions).

Georgy Nerobelov.