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WRF-Chem simulation of CO2


New member
Hello everyone! I would like to ask a question about WRF-Chem simulation of CO2.
I simulated CO2 using WRF-Chem 3.9.1.
I have tried to simulate CO2 by choosing Chem_opt=101, 106, 203 and inputting anthropogenic emission wrfchemi_00z_d01 and wrfchemi_12z_d01 both with E_CO2 added.
However, the simulated CO2 is very low and similar to the results without the input CO2 anthropogenic source emissions.
I checked the .log and found that the model does not read the variable E_CO2. I would like to ask why this is the case? How can I get the model to read the input CO2 anthropogenic emission ? Is it possible to simulate CO2 using Chem_opt=101, 106, 203 or not?

I am very much looking forward to having someone answer my questions. Thanks!

Yes, all of those chem_opts can be used to simulate CO2.

I suspect your issue is related to the emiss_opt you using.

In Registry/registry.chem, find the emiss_opt package you are using and add e_co2

e.g., change this:

package eradm emiss_opt==2 - emis_ant:e_iso,e_so2,e_no,e_co,e_eth,e_hc3,e_hc5,e_hc8,e_xyl,e_ol2,e_olt,e_oli,e_tol,e_csl,e_hcho,e_ald,e_ket,e_ora2,e_nh3

to this:

package eradm emiss_opt==2 - emis_ant:e_iso,e_so2,e_no,e_co,e_eth,e_hc3,e_hc5,e_hc8,e_xyl,e_ol2,e_olt,e_oli,e_tol,e_csl,e_hcho,e_ald,e_ket,e_ora2,e_nh3,e_co2

Then perform "./clean -a" and recompile

Thank you very much for your answer.

I modified the Registry/registry.chem according to what you mentioned, but the CO2 simulation results are still very low though using chem_opt=203.
I saw information about simulating CH4 on the forum and they seem to have the same confusion.
It was suggested that they modify registry/registry.chem, chem/module_input_chem_data.F , chem/chemics_init.F and chem/module_emissions_anthropogenics.F, but I don't know what needs to be modified what content of the other three files.
I looked at the chem/module_emissions_anthropogenics.F. I found that in the general mechanism, CO2 is often set to a constant of 380 ppmv for calculation. I would like to be able to adjust him. But I have no way to do so.

Can you tell me how to further modify it to make the CO2 simulation accurate?

Extremely grateful!

Shuqing Chen
Hi there,

We are also trying to do the CO2 simulation by the Chem_opt=101, but encountered the same problem that the CO2 concentration decayed very fast to almost zero after the simulation of the first couple days ( the initial concentration of CO2 is around 380 ppmv). Based on this post above, we also modified the Registry/registry.chem accordingly, but it still didn't work. Could anyone please help figour out what's going on and solve this problem? Thank you very much! Enclosed please find the name list file for your reference, we only consider the anthropogenic source for this simulation.


  • shiyan.txt
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ackage eradm emiss_opt
Hi there,

We are also trying to do the CO2 simulation by the Chem_opt=101, but encountered the same problem that the CO2 concentration decayed very fast to almost zero after the simulation of the first couple days ( the initial concentration of CO2 is around 380 ppmv). Based on this post above, we also modified the Registry/registry.chem accordingly, but it still didn't work. Could anyone please help figour out what's going on and solve this problem? Thank you very much! Enclosed please find the name list file for your reference, we only consider the anthropogenic source for this simulation.
hello, I am also using Chem_opt=101 to simulate CO2 concentration,but do you know why there is no CO2 variable in the wrfout file
Hi there,

We are also trying to do the CO2 simulation by the Chem_opt=101, but encountered the same problem that the CO2 concentration decayed very fast to almost zero after the simulation of the first couple days ( the initial concentration of CO2 is around 380 ppmv). Based on this post above, we also modified the Registry/registry.chem accordingly, but it still didn't work. Could anyone please help figour out what's going on and solve this problem? Thank you very much! Enclosed please find the name list file for your reference, we only consider the anthropogenic source for this simulation.
Hello, i am strating using wrf-chem to simulation CO2, but i can't find how to import the anthropogenic data to the model. I find that anthro_emiss don't have CO2 option, could you please tell me which plugin you use to importanthropogenic data? Thank you so much.