I'm working with 20CR version 3 reanalysis (not released yet) in grib2 format. g2print utility program is able to read the files and helped creating a new Vtable that can be read by ungrib and I get the "successful completion of ungrib" message. The problem is that the intermediate files are empty. I'm guessing there is a problem with my grib2 files since the log file shows:
Does anybody encountered similar problems? I'm attaching the files I'm using, my wrf version is the with intel compilers.
Best regards,
2019-07-24 10:38:59.512 --- INFORM: Reading Grib Edition 2
2019-07-24 10:38:59.513 --- unknown model from NCEP 195
2019-07-24 10:38:59.520 --- Inventory for date = 1816-07-01 00:00:00
2019-07-24 10:38:59.520 --- PRES TT UU VV SPECHUMD HGT RH PSFC PMSL SM000010 SM010040 SM040100 SM100200 ST000010 ST010040 ST040100 ST100200 SEAICE LANDSEA SOILHGT SKINTEMP SNOW
2019-07-24 10:38:59.520 --- -------------------------------------------------
2019-07-24 10:38:59.520 --- -------------------------------------------------
2019-07-24 10:38:59.569 --- unknown model from NCEP 195
Does anybody encountered similar problems? I'm attaching the files I'm using, my wrf version is the with intel compilers.
Best regards,