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wrf compiling/installation

  1. W

    How to Fix: Rank mismatch between actual argument at (1) and actual argument at (2) (scalar and rank-1)

    The recent releases of Ubuntu 22, Ubuntu 23, Ubuntu 24, and newer by Canonical have introduced several significant changes to their base operating system, including notable updates to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). Specifically, these versions have been upgraded to GCC 11 and GCC 12...
  2. Y

    The mod file missing during compile WRF-Chem

    Hi all I use gfortran as compiler. For configure setting, I choose 34 and 1. But during compile process, there is some fatal error for some mod file missing. I am not sure how to solve that. I have attached my compile.log file and configure.wrf in this post. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. F

    Compiling WRF

    Is there anyone who has compiled WRF in Ubuntu 24.04. I am having trouble with netcdf-Fortran. I get an error using the library in the compilation page but not when I download netcdf-Fortran from unidata. WRF will not compile complaint that one of the compilation tests fails . Any help
  4. C

    Issue with compiling WRF v3.5.1 on Derecho

    Motivation The reason why I am trying to compile WRF v3.5.1 on Derecho is that I need to work with a modified version of it that includes extensive revisions to the chemistry part and transferring these modifications to later versions of WRF is not practical for me. Also, I will probably further...
  5. L

    Can't download installation packages

    Hello everyone, I am a beginner of WRF model. Today I want to install the model, when I was trying to download the packages, the website refused my activity, it says "You don't have permission to access this resource." Anyone has the same problem or knows how can I get them? Any help will be...
  6. C

    Is it possible to apply heat to specific domain ?

    I want to study sea-land breeze in different thermodynamic case. case 1 : sea-land temperature difference is 5 degree C. case 2 : sea-land temperature difference is 10 degree C. it isn't correctly '5' or '10' degree C, but I want to see the difference of wind, snow in different sea-land breeze...
  7. Y

    WRF Compile problem

    Hi all, I am trying to compile WRF and during that process, there is some question (./compile em_real) . First one is there are many mismatch errors, but I am not sure why. Then it also mentioned a fatal error that is mod and the scripts can not find it. the basic information for my cmpile is...
  8. W

    WRFv4.6.0 fails to build on Ubuntu 24: Modules not found

    Trying to build WRFv4.6.0 on Ubuntu 24 and keep getting several errors after 3 attempts to compile See attached log files and system information. - OS -- Ubuntu 24.04 - Compiler -- Intel LLVM
  9. P

    Fatal Error: Cannot open module file ‘module_ext_internal.mod’ for reading at (1): No such file or directory WRF COMPILE ERROR

    time mpif90 -w -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 -fallow-argument-mismatch -fallow-invalid-boz -fopenmp -c -O2 -ftree-vectorize -funroll-loops -w -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 -fallow-argument-mismatch...
  10. S

    Running WRF on one node

    Hi I installed WRF following this Installing WRF 4.2.1 on Ubuntu LTS 20.04 - Pratiman Homepage on a server. The server is: Linux Kernel: 5.4 OS: Ubuntu 20.04 CPU count: 100 CPU speed: 2.6GHz RAM: 400GB Nodes: 1 I run wrf.exe using: mpirun -np ${ncpus} -ppn ${ntask} wrf.exe and change the...
  11. N

    WRFv4.6 compilation Errors

    I followed each step given in Compiling WRF and successfully installed all required library which passed all the given tests. I set the following environmental variables. export DIR="/home/nadim/WRF/LIBRARIES" export CC="gcc" export CXX="g++" export FC="gfortran" export FCFLAGS="-m64" export...
  12. C

    compiling WRF-Chem 4.6

    I've been testing WRF-Chem 4.6 on Linux x86_64 with dmpar INTEL (ifort/icc), and I've encountered a segmentation fault at the start of my simulation. To prevent this, I've had to add the following flags: -O0 -fno-inline -no-ip While this resolves the issue, I'm concerned that these flags could...
  13. P

    How to install WRF on the Derecho?

    I have follow the instruction provided by ARW OnLine Tutorial but I am stucked by the compile process. I am confused about the Building Libraries section in Compiling WRF
  14. T

    Couple wrf_hydro into WRF

    Hi all! I am coupling wrf_hydro5.2.0 into WRF4.2.I have successfully compiled the WRF_hydro5.2.0.And i also follow the method to couple.But when compile the WRF,there have some errors." make[3]: [module_wrf_HYDRO.o] Error 1 (ignored) make[3]: [module_wrf_HYDRO.o] Error 1 (ignored)...
  15. Y

    problem about ungrib/Variable_Tables/Vtable.SST

    I tried to add the SST part in WRF, but I encountered the following error. I am using ERA5 data. How should I resolve this?
  16. S

    WRFv4.6 Compilation error with GNU

    Dear WRF Family, I am trying to compile WRFV4.6 with the GNU (gfortran/gcc) compiler in dmpar mode. I used source code and tar files from the WRF Release website. However, I am getting errors that I can't debug. Please find attached compile.log & configure.wrf files. I would be grateful if...
  17. W

    WRF & WPS CMAKE Tutorial

    So with the latest addition of CMAKE to the WRF and WPS infrastructure, will there be a new users guide instruction or update to the tutorial website that talks about how to build WRF and WPS with CMAKE with step by step guides?
  18. M

    WRF in UBUNTU 24

    Dear all, I'm trying to compile WRF 4.5.1 with Ubuntu 24, but the compilation goes into a kind of loop and doesn't finish. I had already compiled the same version two weeks ago on Ubuntu 22. One of the things that caught my eye during the compilation was these messages: make[27]: /bin/sh...
  19. N

    WRF Compilation

    Hi everyone, I tried to compile WRF 4.4 by gfortran. I configure WRF with option DM+SM (35). I got error /usr/bin/ld: cannot find /home/nos/WRF/WRF/external/RSL_LITE/librsl_lite.a: No such file or directory.
  20. A

    WRF-Chem Version 4.6 stuck (no error) in compilation with KPP for a day

    Good day from Tokyo. Our university supercomputer was recently upgraded, so it's also high time to compile the updated versions of WRF. Following the procedure for compiling WRF-Chem with the KPP seems to go smoothly (see attached compile.log). However, for more than a day of leaving it to...