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About precipitation in WRF


New member
I am a university student in Japan.
I'm emailing you because I have a question about using WRF that I don't understand.
1)Can precipitation in WRF be calculated by adding RAINC and RAINNC?
 For example, when calculating 1-hour precipitation from ① 22/07/07_17:00:00 to ② 22/07/07_18:00:00,
 Can this be calculated by ②(RAINC+RAINNC) - ①(RAINC+RAINNC)?
2)RAINC and RAINNC are very small, do I need to add or apply anything else?
3)Is the attached namelist incomplete?

Sorry for my bad English.


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  • namelist.wps
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Please my answers below:
1)Can precipitation in WRF be calculated by adding RAINC and RAINNC?
 For example, when calculating 1-hour precipitation from ① 22/07/07_17:00:00 to ② 22/07/07_18:00:00,
 Can this be calculated by ②(RAINC+RAINNC) - ①(RAINC+RAINNC)?

The answer is yes. RAINC + RAINNC is the total accumulative precipitation starting from the initial time.

2) RAINC and RAINNC are very small, do I need to add or apply anything else?

No, I don't think so. if they are small, it could be that little precipitation occur during your integration time.

3)Is the attached namelist incomplete?

The namelist is fine and complete.
Thank you.
It turned out that I was right.
I will try other physical processes as they are less reproducible.
The easy to understand English was helpful.