Dear wrfhelper,
I am using ARW-WRF v3.9.1 to run simulations but failed to write out rst files with io_form_restart=2 (the model just stopped). I compiled my wrf3.9.1 code with WRFIO_NCD_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT=1 and set MP_STACK_SIZE and KMP_STACKSIZE as large as possible, although the WRF user guide mentions that the restriction of the only 2Gb basic netCDF file support is removed by default with WRF v3.9.
However, the WRF3.9.1 works well with io_form_restart=102 but with multi-pieces of rsl files. Since I am using a lot of nodes, there would be plenty of rst files (which I don’t like).
Also, I have tried WRF3.6 and it works with io_form_restart=2. Could you have some suggestions to solve this issue?
I am using ARW-WRF v3.9.1 to run simulations but failed to write out rst files with io_form_restart=2 (the model just stopped). I compiled my wrf3.9.1 code with WRFIO_NCD_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT=1 and set MP_STACK_SIZE and KMP_STACKSIZE as large as possible, although the WRF user guide mentions that the restriction of the only 2Gb basic netCDF file support is removed by default with WRF v3.9.
However, the WRF3.9.1 works well with io_form_restart=102 but with multi-pieces of rsl files. Since I am using a lot of nodes, there would be plenty of rst files (which I don’t like).
Also, I have tried WRF3.6 and it works with io_form_restart=2. Could you have some suggestions to solve this issue?