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I have two questions about SKEB in WRF.
How to download and test a version of the module with the latest changes dyn em/module stoch.F ? Is this web address stoch.F valid mentioned in SKEB_in_WRF.pdf ?
The other question is that in WRFUsersGuid.pdf , Tuning strategies are discussed in Romine et al. 2014( . IF I test namelist like the following, the SKEB parameter in namelist , gridpoint variance (SPPT) and length scale (SPPT) and decorrelation time (SPPT) were set at the same time.The gridpoint variance (SPPT) and length scale (SPPT) and decorrelation time (SPPT) couldn't change the field RT_TENDF_STOCH , RU_TENDF_STOCH, and RV_TENDF_STOCH.My question is that how to change the stochastic perturbations of SKEB by setting the gridpoint variance (SPPT) and length scale (SPPT) in namelist similar as the artical (Romine et al. 2014).
Thank you! Looking forward to your reply!
I used WRFV3.9. Here is a part of my namelist.input.
skebs = 1
stoch_force_opt = 0,0,
skebs_vertstruc = 0,
stoch_vertstruc_opt = 0,1,
tot_backscat_psi = 1.0E-05,1.0E-05,
tot_backscat_t = 1.0E-06,1.0E-06,
ztau_psi = 10800.0,
ztau_t = 10800.0,
rexponent_psi = -1.83,
rexponent_t = -1.83,
zsigma2_eps = 0.0833,
zsigma2_eta = 0.0833,
kminforc = 1,
lminforc = 1,
kminforct = 1,
lminforct = 1,
kmaxforc = 1000000,
lmaxforc = 1000000,
kmaxforct = 1000000,
lmaxforct = 1000000,
nens = 100
iseed_skebs = 811,
sppt = 0
iseed_sppt = 25
gridpt_stddev_sppt = 0.5
stddev_cutoff_sppt = 2.0
lengthscale_sppt = 90000.0
timescale_sppt = 21600.0
sppt_vertstruc = 0
I have two questions about SKEB in WRF.
How to download and test a version of the module with the latest changes dyn em/module stoch.F ? Is this web address stoch.F valid mentioned in SKEB_in_WRF.pdf ?
The other question is that in WRFUsersGuid.pdf , Tuning strategies are discussed in Romine et al. 2014( . IF I test namelist like the following, the SKEB parameter in namelist , gridpoint variance (SPPT) and length scale (SPPT) and decorrelation time (SPPT) were set at the same time.The gridpoint variance (SPPT) and length scale (SPPT) and decorrelation time (SPPT) couldn't change the field RT_TENDF_STOCH , RU_TENDF_STOCH, and RV_TENDF_STOCH.My question is that how to change the stochastic perturbations of SKEB by setting the gridpoint variance (SPPT) and length scale (SPPT) in namelist similar as the artical (Romine et al. 2014).
Thank you! Looking forward to your reply!
I used WRFV3.9. Here is a part of my namelist.input.
skebs = 1
stoch_force_opt = 0,0,
skebs_vertstruc = 0,
stoch_vertstruc_opt = 0,1,
tot_backscat_psi = 1.0E-05,1.0E-05,
tot_backscat_t = 1.0E-06,1.0E-06,
ztau_psi = 10800.0,
ztau_t = 10800.0,
rexponent_psi = -1.83,
rexponent_t = -1.83,
zsigma2_eps = 0.0833,
zsigma2_eta = 0.0833,
kminforc = 1,
lminforc = 1,
kminforct = 1,
lminforct = 1,
kmaxforc = 1000000,
lmaxforc = 1000000,
kmaxforct = 1000000,
lmaxforct = 1000000,
nens = 100
iseed_skebs = 811,
sppt = 0
iseed_sppt = 25
gridpt_stddev_sppt = 0.5
stddev_cutoff_sppt = 2.0
lengthscale_sppt = 90000.0
timescale_sppt = 21600.0
sppt_vertstruc = 0