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About WRF precipitation

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.

Feng Liu

We got the following message when we run our CAMx (air quality model) tool to convert WRF3.9 outputs into the format CAMx required. I am not sure what the difference between PREC_ACC and RAINC is. I think PREC_ACC is the cumulus precipitation in each time step, while RAINC is accumulated cumulus precipitation in 24 hours. Am I right? Thank you very much for you taking the time to clarify.

-----WRFCAMx will look for the WRF output variables “PREC_ACC” that store precipitation rates at each output interval. If these variables ARE NOT on file, then WRFCAMx will revert to using the precipitation accumulation variables “RAINC” and “RAINNC” to calculate surface precipitation rates. ----

Thank you.
prec_acc_c and prec_acc_nc are accumulative convective and resolve-scale precipitation respectively at the time interval of prec_acc_dt, which is a namelist option one can specify.
rain and rain are accumulative convective and resolve-scale precipitation (starting from the initial time of the integration).