I am running WRF as the atmospheric component of a coupled atmosphere/ocean/wave model. I need to export variables from WRF to my coupler during each time step. After importing head_grid from module_domain, variables can be accessed via a command like
p_to_coupler(i,k,j) = head_grid % p(i,k,j)
For most variables I am interested in, the variable name in head_grid is the same as the name used in wrfout* files. This is not the case for two variables: T (perturbation potential temperature) and QVAPOR (water vapor mixing ratio). I am trying to figure out what names to request for these. I believe that T_1 is WRF's internal name for dry potential temperature and T_2 is the internal name for moist potential temperature, so I think I need to use T_1 to request T, but I'm not sure. Moisture in WRF seems to be handled with an array called 'moist', with water vapor mixing ratio accessed as moist,:,:,P_QV). I am looking for the variable to request that will give me this array from head_grid.
Can anyone enlighten me on these two issues? Thank you very much.
I am running WRF as the atmospheric component of a coupled atmosphere/ocean/wave model. I need to export variables from WRF to my coupler during each time step. After importing head_grid from module_domain, variables can be accessed via a command like
p_to_coupler(i,k,j) = head_grid % p(i,k,j)
For most variables I am interested in, the variable name in head_grid is the same as the name used in wrfout* files. This is not the case for two variables: T (perturbation potential temperature) and QVAPOR (water vapor mixing ratio). I am trying to figure out what names to request for these. I believe that T_1 is WRF's internal name for dry potential temperature and T_2 is the internal name for moist potential temperature, so I think I need to use T_1 to request T, but I'm not sure. Moisture in WRF seems to be handled with an array called 'moist', with water vapor mixing ratio accessed as moist,:,:,P_QV). I am looking for the variable to request that will give me this array from head_grid.
Can anyone enlighten me on these two issues? Thank you very much.