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Adding new mixing ratio to mimic gas-mixture

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member

I have been working on WRF-LES for quite some time. I am now wondering is there a way to add an extra mixing ratio, that represents some gas-mixture. I want to see if I can study a buoyant source release inside WRF.
Something similar to this work:

I would like to add scalar transport for this mixture using a simple advection-diffusion equation. I have looked at the governing equations for the microphysics variables in Morrison-2-moment scheme and would like to use similar framework.

In addition, I would like to specify the exit velocity or source velocity for this new gas-mixture inside WRF model. Any suggestions on how to approach this?

Thank you
We don't have any solid guidelines for this, as no one on our team has done it, but as is mentioned in the paper, you will need to add your gas mass mixing ratio into the 4d moist array. Modifying the exit velocity (which assumably is a surface flux) would be a a bit more technical but you should be able to follow how the QFX is used for vapor in diffusion.
