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adding the gridded anthropogenic heat in WRF/UCM

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.

I tried to incorporate the gridded AH data to the WRF/UCM, and modified some module files, the changes in module_first_rk_step_part1.F and Registry are as follows:

Line 450:
CALL surface_driver(...grid_AH=grid%grid_AH,...


Line 1691:
state real grid_AH ij misc 1 - irh "grid_AH" "Gridded Anthropogenic Heat" "W m-2"


but after I run ./compile, the errors are as follows:

"module_first_rk_step_part1.f90(356): error #6460: This is not a field name
that is defined in the encompassing structure. [GRID_AH]"

Has anyone met these errors? Would really appreciate any help! Many thanks.


  • errors.png
    53.7 KB · Views: 391
  • compile.log
    61.3 KB · Views: 25
I apologize for the delay in response. Can you attach the files you modified, as well? Thanks!