New member
I am using WRF-chem model,I replaced the new binary files of landuse, LAI, and GVF in geog, and made index files. The values of landuse, LAI, and GVF are correctly displayed in the geo_em.d01.nc and met_em.d01 files. After running real.exe, the LAI and VEGFRA in the wrfinput and wrflowinp files are displayed as 0. I would like to ask why. I look forward to your reply!
The namelist.input file setting reference forum post added the following lines under physics:
surface_input_source = 3,
sst_update = 1,
rdlai2d = .true.,
The complete namelist.input file is as follows:
I am using WRF-chem model,I replaced the new binary files of landuse, LAI, and GVF in geog, and made index files. The values of landuse, LAI, and GVF are correctly displayed in the geo_em.d01.nc and met_em.d01 files. After running real.exe, the LAI and VEGFRA in the wrfinput and wrflowinp files are displayed as 0. I would like to ask why. I look forward to your reply!
The namelist.input file setting reference forum post added the following lines under physics:
surface_input_source = 3,
sst_update = 1,
rdlai2d = .true.,
The complete namelist.input file is as follows: