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An easy way of checking the heights of eta levels


If I don't define e_vert in the namelist.input, I can check the generated eta levels and their height, thickness information in the real log file rsl.out.0000 as such:

using new automatic levels program
           1   50.0000000       50.0000000      0.993814707   
           2   64.0000000       114.000000      0.985950649       1.27999997   
           3   81.5615997       195.561600      0.976014256       1.27440000   
           4   103.369164       298.930756      0.963557541       1.26737535   


Full level index =    1     Height =     0.0 m

Full level index =    2     Height =    50.0 m      Thickness =   50.0 m
Full level index =    3     Height =   113.9 m      Thickness =   63.9 m
Full level index =    4     Height =   195.2 m      Thickness =   81.3 m


However, I'm not able to see this information if I define e_vert levels in namelist.input file. Is there a way to see this without obtaining a solution and post-processing it?
Thanks in advance,
You can find the information based on PH and PHB in wrfout files.
The height of model level can be calculated by:
(PH + PHB)/9.8