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I would greatly appreciate you can point me to the right direction to fix errors while running WRF 4.5.2. I’m running a 6-hour test simulation using MPI-ESM1-2-HR as input data, which I converted to WPS ready files using this application (GitHub - lzhenn/cmip6-to-wrfinterm: tools to process cmip6 data to drive wrf). I have 3 nested domains, 30km, 10km, and 2km. Real.exe runs fine but wrf.exe stops just after creating the first wrfout file for d03. When I checked the rsl files, I keep finding the error “forrtl: error (78): process killed (SIGTERM)”. After reviewing the forum, I have attempted the following things:
Thank you very much in advance
- Changing the number of nodes/cores
- Changing time steps: I have tried from 180 to 30s for d01
- Changing domain sizes: I initially started with a 300x300 outermost domain, then 2 domains of 151x151 (d03 within d02). Now my intermediate domain is 325x325 and the innermost is 351x351.
- I tried using w_damp=0 and 1
- I also attempted smooth_cg_topo=.true. but the MPI-ESM data does not have the SOILHGT variable so real.exe won’t run.
- Recompiled WRF with ./configure -D and tested with the 66 and 67 options.
Thank you very much in advance