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ARWpost compilition Problem

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
I am using WRF4.0 and i am compiling ARWpost 3.0 with it. Is it ok?
Because i am having little problem to compile it.
Please guide me and find below attached

Best regrads,


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Has this problem been resolved? I believe I was working on this with you in another post/location, but that link shows that the post was deleted.

Dear expert,

I could not solve yet,I posted it again because i believe that post became passive.I am trying to solve it with your help.

I see that you chose the gfortran compiler for this ARWpost build. Is that the same compiler (and version) of gfortran that was used to build the netCDF library that is in your $NETCDF path? If the compiler was updated, or if you path is not pointing to that particular compiler, then perhaps that could be causing the problem. Based on the paths listed in your compile log it seems that you likely built your libraries with the help of the compilation tutorial page (, which is good, but I would recommend now going back and at least running the tests to ensure that your compilers and libraries are still compatible. It could just be that a path wasn't set correctly, or that it was, but not in your long-term environment script so that even if you log out of your terminal window, the settings will remain.