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ARWpost runing very slow.Help!

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
I am running ./ARWpost.exe and it is taking for like 45 min to process just one single hour data. However, it was fast for some previous runs that I have made.

This data is running for like 4 hours from now and it has to go for like 365 days, it would take ages.

Can anybody help how to resolve this?
Processors are working fine because my other jobs are running very nicely.
ARWpost v3.1

FOUND the following input files:


Processing time --- 2018-01-01_00:00:00
Found the right date - continue

Processing time --- 2018-01-01_01:00:00
Found the right date - continue

Processing time --- 2018-01-01_02:00:00
Found the right date - continue

Processing time --- 2018-01-01_03:00:00
Found the right date - continue

Processing time --- 2018-01-01_04:00:00
Found the right date - continue

Processing time --- 2018-01-01_05:00:00
Found the right date - continue
Is this data file much larger or higher-resolution than the previous ARWpost runs you have done? If not, then this is probably related to your system or environment. Is it possible something changed there? Were any libraries updated? Are you sharing space with others who may be taking up a lot of the processing space? Are you running other things that could impact this? Unfortunately, it's something you will likely need to discuss with your systems administrator at your institution.
8x8km is a pretty high resolution. Were you using something much more coarse before when ARWpost was running faster?
I see. Unfortunately the speed of the run is most likely related to your particular system or environment settings. As I advised before, you will need to discuss the problem with a systems administrator at your institution. They will hopefully be able to track down the difference between the current runtime speed and the previous speed.