Hi everyone,
I'm currently trying to run a one-way nested run using ndown and I'm using this guide from UCAR (https://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/OnLineTutorial/CASES/NestRuns/ndown.php).
I have already done my first domain simulation (9km) and everything seems to be OK after checking the errors logs, but when I run the real.exe of the d02 (3km), simulation crashes after creating the first timestep. After some examination, I have realised that the wrfbdy created for this domain after executing ndown.exe has [-Inf, Inf] values on most of the wind fields, so I must suppose this is behind the failed run. This doesn't happen on the wrfbdy of my previous successful files. What can I do to fix this? Can this be also related to the fact that my 3km domain contains a large part of complex topography?
I am currently using WRF v4.3 and using ERA5 as forcing. Attached is my namelist.input, a figure of the topography of my domains, error log from running the 3km simulation with wrf.exe, and a sample of wrfbdy_d01 (of the 3km domain)
Thank you in advance,
I'm currently trying to run a one-way nested run using ndown and I'm using this guide from UCAR (https://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/OnLineTutorial/CASES/NestRuns/ndown.php).
I have already done my first domain simulation (9km) and everything seems to be OK after checking the errors logs, but when I run the real.exe of the d02 (3km), simulation crashes after creating the first timestep. After some examination, I have realised that the wrfbdy created for this domain after executing ndown.exe has [-Inf, Inf] values on most of the wind fields, so I must suppose this is behind the failed run. This doesn't happen on the wrfbdy of my previous successful files. What can I do to fix this? Can this be also related to the fact that my 3km domain contains a large part of complex topography?
I am currently using WRF v4.3 and using ERA5 as forcing. Attached is my namelist.input, a figure of the topography of my domains, error log from running the 3km simulation with wrf.exe, and a sample of wrfbdy_d01 (of the 3km domain)
Thank you in advance,