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Bug in WRF?

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
I talked to CISL already about this issue and they want me to recompile WRF (v4.1) with different options and whatnot to diagnose this problem. Before I do that I figured I would ask about it here in case anyone has seen this error before. The output in my rsl files is this:
rsl.error.0119:MPT *ERROR*: rank:119, function:MPI_BCAST, Message truncated
on receive: An application bug caused the sender to send too much data

There are a couple of these messages in the rsl output. WRF fails to complete the simulation period. There are no CFL errors. Attached is my namelist and I can provide the cheyenne directory to the output if need be.

Thanks for any insight!


  • namelist.input
    4.9 KB · Views: 48
Hi Gabriel,
I've never seen that error before. Yes, please provide the directory. I'd like to test it out and see if I can reproduce the problem in my environment.
I adjusted a few namelist options to see if I had files that were too big and I am running another test of WRF right now. The directory is "/glade/scratch/gbromley/era5_12km_test/wrf/run/"

Another symptom (that could be related) was that the wrf restart files being generated were too small to be correct. I conducted a test trying to restart WRF with one of these files and WRF didn't like them. I was trying to output restart files every 2 weeks as a conservative approach. Not sure if this additional information is helpful or not!

Thanks for sharing that. I've been able to repeat the problem, and am actually seeing now that any time it tries to output a wrfrst* file (even if I change the frequency to daily), I'm getting the exact same problem. I'll have to dig into this a bit more to see what may be going on. I'll keep you posted!
Hi Gabe,
I just wanted to let you know that I've tracked the problem down to the AFWA stuff. If I remove that section from your namelist, it runs without a problem. I haven't determined why yet. I'll keep looking, but I just wanted to update you.
Okay, so it looks like this was a bug that was already tracked down since the release of V4.0.3. If you try the latest code (V4.1.2) it should be able to run without issues. Let me know if that works for you!