Hello all
I am absolutely new user in MPAS.
Now, I have conducted several MPAS simulations with default output. However, there is no variables like "rt diabatic tend", 'rthblten'... in MPAS default ouput files.
I tried to add new several variables ( like "rthblten", "rt diabatic tend", rthcuten, "rthdynten","rthratenlw","rthratensw".....) in streams.atmosphere in a short simulation, and I did it successfully. But can I (and how) calculate these variables through some subroutines in Fortran codes after simulations? Cause high computing resources take if I do the same simulations.
I am absolutely new user in MPAS.
Now, I have conducted several MPAS simulations with default output. However, there is no variables like "rt diabatic tend", 'rthblten'... in MPAS default ouput files.
I tried to add new several variables ( like "rthblten", "rt diabatic tend", rthcuten, "rthdynten","rthratenlw","rthratensw".....) in streams.atmosphere in a short simulation, and I did it successfully. But can I (and how) calculate these variables through some subroutines in Fortran codes after simulations? Cause high computing resources take if I do the same simulations.