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Calculate the variables after MPAS simulation


New member
Hello all

I am absolutely new user in MPAS.
Now, I have conducted several MPAS simulations with default output. However, there is no variables like "rt diabatic tend", 'rthblten'... in MPAS default ouput files.
I tried to add new several variables ( like "rthblten", "rt diabatic tend", rthcuten, "rthdynten","rthratenlw","rthratensw".....) in streams.atmosphere in a short simulation, and I did it successfully. But can I (and how) calculate these variables through some subroutines in Fortran codes after simulations? Cause high computing resources take if I do the same simulations.
These variables are calculated based on quite a few other local variables inside specific subroutines. These local variables are not included in the MPAS output files, and thus it is not feasible to derived these tendencies based on mpas output.