I recently ttried to change values for USGS 33-cat z0 in LANDUSE.TBL. Real.exe finished without error but when running wrf.exe it clearly did not like my changes - debug mode showed it exited at lsm module on domain 1. My question is, if I change the z0 values in LANDUSE.TBL do I also need to update the table in VEGPARM.TBL for consistency? I had changed the values from the default to those used by Noah-MP in MPTABLE.TBL but since the units are different perhaps I made a mistake in converting the values.
Please see attached namelist.input and edited portion of LANDUSE.TBL.
View attachment namelist.input.newLUtable.txt
View attachment LANDUSE.TBL.edited.txt
I recently ttried to change values for USGS 33-cat z0 in LANDUSE.TBL. Real.exe finished without error but when running wrf.exe it clearly did not like my changes - debug mode showed it exited at lsm module on domain 1. My question is, if I change the z0 values in LANDUSE.TBL do I also need to update the table in VEGPARM.TBL for consistency? I had changed the values from the default to those used by Noah-MP in MPTABLE.TBL but since the units are different perhaps I made a mistake in converting the values.
Please see attached namelist.input and edited portion of LANDUSE.TBL.
View attachment namelist.input.newLUtable.txt
View attachment LANDUSE.TBL.edited.txt