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Changing the terrain hight in idealized WRF model (em-les)

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hi !

Is there any ways to modify the terrain height in the em_les mode ?
Actually, I want to run an idealized WRF-LES case for a real terrain type.
I have found some approaches hadling the terrain slope in idealzed cases, but it looks not enough for a real terrain type .

Thanks. :D
Zihan Zhao
I first would like to apologize for the extremely long delay in response. It seems as though this was likely overlooked by the support person responsible for this section. It is never our intention to make a user wait so long for a response.

Have you figured out a solution for this yet? If not, we aren't aware of anyone who has done this, and this likely is not a simple thing to do. You could start by creating some real met_em* files, and then do some modification to the code to allow it to read-in the terrain data from those files. This was a response that one of our specialists gave to someone previously who asked the same question:

If a uniform and balanced state can be put in met_em then that may be
the way to go, but the tricky part is the thermal wind balance.
Ideal with pert_coriolis avoids balance issues, and reading in terrain in ideal should be OK, but
then the problem is boundary conditions. Maybe an outer domain could be run to control
the boundaries, but terrain has to match. There is not an easy answer.

If you do figure this out, please update us so that we may be able to extend this information to future users trying to do something similar.