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Changing the terrain hight in idealized WRF model (em-les)

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hi !

Is there any ways to modify the terrain height in the em_les mode ?
Actually, I want to run an idealized WRF-LES case for a real terrain type.
I have found some approaches hadling the terrain slope in idealzed cases, but it looks not enough for a real terrain type .

Thanks. :D
Zihan Zhao
Please go to the code "dyn_em/module_initialize_ideal.F", and starting from around line 567, you can find the following piece of code:
567 CASE (les)
569 CALL nl_set_mminlu(1, ' ')
570 CALL nl_set_iswater(1,0)
571 CALL nl_set_cen_lat(1,40.)
572 CALL nl_set_cen_lon(1,-105.)
573 CALL nl_set_truelat1(1,0.)
574 CALL nl_set_truelat2(1,0.)
575 CALL nl_set_moad_cen_lat (1,0.)
576 CALL nl_set_stand_lon (1,0.)
577 CALL nl_set_pole_lon (1,0.)
578 CALL nl_set_pole_lat (1,90.)
579 CALL nl_set_map_proj(1,0)
582 ! here we initialize data that currently is not initialized
583 ! in the input data
585 DO j = jts, jte
586 DO i = its, ite
587 grid%msftx(i,j) = 1.
588 grid%msfty(i,j) = 1.
589 grid%msfux(i,j) = 1.
590 grid%msfuy(i,j) = 1.
591 grid%msfvx(i,j) = 1.
592 grid%msfvx_inv(i,j)= 1.
593 grid%msfvy(i,j) = 1.
594 grid%sina(i,j) = 0.
595 grid%cosa(i,j) = 1.


This is where you can add terrain for LES case.
Hi Zihan Zhao!

Did you solve the problem?
I am trying to do the same with no successful results yet.

Hope you can answer!

My best regards