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Cheyenne collections rda data file sets

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member

Quick question.

On the cheyenne system I plan on using the NARR, era5, and CFSR reanalyses to initialize wrf.

My project will have a large amount of data so I need to be sure to not have any more data than I need.
my simulation domain is over the rocky mountains not including any ocean.

So my question is:
For any given time, which sets of files in each of these directories do in need to thoroughly initialize WRF with no extra data to unpack.

For NARR: /gpfs/fs1/collections/rda/data/ds608.0/3HRLY/2007/
For era5: /gpfs/fs1/collections/rda/data/ds633.0/
For CFSR: /gpfs/fs1/collections/rda/data/ds093.0/2007/

The only reason that I ask as opposed to trial and erroring it, is that this can take much time, and I have had issues in the past trying to figure this out.

Thank you,
All the required fields for WPS are listed here:

Please look at those RDA datasets and find files that contain the required fields for WPS.
I mean sorry to complain a little but,
this will take like a whole day to examine the files available and match them to this list of variables.
It feels silly to do that when it would take someone who has worked with this data 5 minutes to just say which file sets it is in this archive.
People in NCAR RDA are more familiar with these data, yet I am not sure whether they can look into the details and determine all those files you need. You may ask by sending email to

We are not familiar with the data. With limited human power in our group, it is impossible for us to look into details of each individual datasets.