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convective heating RTHCUTEN for a nested run

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


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A question about convective heating in a 3-km domain nested within a 9-km mother domain of WRF. I turned off cumulus convection for the nested 3-km domain yet still keep cumulus convection scheme on for the 9-km domain. As expected, there is no RAINC inside the 3-km domain since the simulated results of the 3-km run would replace the original 9-km model results in the 3-km domain. However, I found that RTHCUTEN (COUPLED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME) in the 9-km run with the 3-km nested domain is not zero within the 3-km domain. Is this normal? Does the 3-km run not replace the RTHCUTEN in the 3-km overlapped domain of the 9-km run? I suppose that RTHCUTEN is convective heating for the original 9-km run and should not be used as a diagnostic inside the 3-km domain, right?
While zero values are fed back for RAINC, they are not fed back for RTHCUTEN (but perhaps they should be). It will cause the output to be misleading, but this should not affect the results, and therefore it should be okay. We will look into it, though, to determine whether the code should be modified so as to not cause confusion in the future.
One more thing - if you are concerned, you could modify the WRF/Registry/Registry.EM_COMMON file to force RTHCUTEN to feed-back, by adding a 'u'. So you would change this line:
state    real  RTHCUTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RTHCUTEN"              "THETA TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"     "K s-1"
state    real  RTHCUTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      ru        "RTHCUTEN"              "THETA TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"     "K s-1"

After that, you would need to go back to WRF/ and issue a 'clean -a', then reconfigure, and recompile the code. Then you can run it again, and it SHOULD fix the problem you are seeing. Let us know. Thanks.