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Converting the cam-chem dataset to WRF-Chem's initial and boundary chemical fields


New member
Hi everyone,
I want to convert cam-chem dataset to WRF-Chem's initial and boundary fields following saprc99 chemical mechanism, but there is no saprc99.inp in mozbc.
I already knew that cam-chem dataset following mozart mechanism, here is VOC species mapping between MOZART and saprc99 mechanism
( My question is what's the proper factor for calculating ALK3, ALK4, ALK5, MEK and PRD2?
If ALK3(belong to saprc99) = 0.33*BIGALK(belong to mozart), ALK4 = 0.33*BIGALK, ALK5 = 0.33*BIGALK, MEK = 0.5*MEK, PROD2 = 0.5*MEK, is these parameter correct? If not, what's the right parameters?
Thank you very much.