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Customised module_initialize_ideal.F not taken into account

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hi WRF lovers,

I'm trying to customise my ideal simulation. It is going to be a long simulation with controlled boundary conditions, so I have edited the convrad ideal test case. I have made a few changes in the module_initialize_ideal.F file. In particular, I have removed the island by setting lm=0 (so that the whole surface is an ocean), and I have set the SST to my own value.

Then I did the usual clean -a, configure, compile convrad, and run. It does run, but my changes in the module_initialize_ideal.F were not taken into account. The island is still there, and the boundary condition follows the original SST set in the original version of this module, not in my edited version of it.

Do you have any intuition on what I am doing wrong ? What can I test to fix this ?

Note that I am using WRF V4.3.1 on a supercomputer with configure option 66. I attach the relevant WRF files here: View attachment

Thanks a lot for any suggestions.
I think this was due to a wrong choice of "ideal_case" in the namelist.input .
In newer WRF versions, it seems you have to compile the case according to what this "ideal_case" option is. The available options are listed in README.namelist.
Would you please clarify that with correct option of ideal_case in namelist.input, the case ran as you expected with your modifications? Thanks!