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Develop new physical parameteerisaiton in WRF, git

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


Dear all,

I am developing new physical parameterizations of cloud microphysics
in WRF-LES. The ideal way to me and to my team is to develop a separate
git branch in the same WRF git master repository so that all of the new
development is consistent with the updated WRF model.

Is such a separate git branch possible?
If so, any idea about how to set up such a repository?

If you have an experience to share or if you have a better
way for such development, it will be highly appreciated.

Best regards,

Please go to the wrf-model/WRF GitHub home page and create your own fork from the main remote wrf-model repository, then create a local copy of the GitHub repository. This is the starting point if you want to put your new schemes into the WRF development branch.
Please see the following websites for detailed instructions:
Information on the second page is also applied to new scheme development.
Thanks a lot, Ming.
It works.

Sorry for the late reply, I have been waiting for the email notification
but apparently it didn't go through the filter.

Btw, I followed the exact step of the following instruction and set up a development branch.
I assume that if I don't request any merge, this development branch won't be affected by other
pushes and updates, right?


Once you make a PR and post your codes in GitHub, those codes will be saved under your folk. They are not allowed to be merged into WRF development branch unless after review of WRF physics panel.
So the answer to your question is yes, the code will not be merged.