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different maps for simulation results

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


Dear Colleagues,

I would like to know if there are obvious differences in the same simulation with different maps (landuse or geographical static data)?

I would expect slight changes in the model results if you run WRF with different map projections.
Dear Ming,

I also would like to know if there are obvious differences in the same simulation with different input data?

Best wishes,
WRF short-term simulation is severely affected by initial condition. Therefore, if your input data are different and the difference between them is large, then your WRF results could quite different, too.
Dear Ming,

Could you please kindly indicate the duration for short-term simulation?
And I would like to know the highest resolution that can be simulated in WRF-Urban.


By short-term simulation, we usually refer to simulation over a few days, for example, 3-5 day forecast.

WRF resolution can be within the range from tens of kilometers to tens of meters. For large eddy simulation, it can go to as high as 30-100m. For urban study, if you focus on urban heat island, then probably 1km resolution is fine. if you want to explore eddy structure in street valleys, very high resolution like 30-50m is necessary, This is my personal opinion. please refer to the literature for more details,
Dear Chen,

Many thanks for your detailed reply. I still have one point to ask: You mentioned "I would expect slight changes in the model results if you run WRF with different map projections". Did you mean that map projections indicate landuse or geographical static data instead of Lambert?

Best regards,
Map projection refers to the specific map projection we implement when running WRF, e.g., lambert, mercator, lat-lon, etc. Different map projections may lead to slightly different distortion of the grid, and these slight differences will be reflected in the model output. This is why when you run WRF over the same domain but with different map projections, your results are not identical.
Dear Chen,

Many thanks for your explanations. I would like to know whether the simulation results will be influenced by different terrestrial data (such as, landuse).

Best regards,
Static fields such as landuse, topography, albedo etc. are important information involved in various physical processes of WRF. They definitely will affect the model results.