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Does bucket_mm and Bucket_j works with the fast version of the RRTMG scheme (24)?

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I want to know if the bucket_mm and Bucket_j works with the fast version of the RRTMG scheme (24).
Here is the options I'm using:
ra_lw_physics            = 24,       24,       24,       24,
ra_sw_physics            = 24,       24,       24,       24,
bucket_mm                = 100.0,
bucket_J                 = 1.e9,
I haven't looked through the code thoroughly, but at a first glance, I don't see a reason why it wouldn't be. Have you tried it?
I'm doing some tests now.
I'm not sure if ti's using it because in the guide says "Only works with CAM and RRTMG radiation (ra_lw_physics = 3 and 4 and ra_sw_physics = 3 and 4) options" and I'm not sure how to check if these options are working.
Can you point me to the guide you are looking at, because I don't see that in the current Users' Guide. What version of the model are you running?
I'm running WRF 4.2.1, so I was looking at this guide:

Under "7. Other physics options"/"b. Other options for long simulations (new in Version 3.1)":
- bucket_J: bucket reset value for energy accumulations (value in Joules, -1 = inactive). Only works with CAM and RRTMG radiation (ra_lw_physics = 3 and 4 and ra_sw_physics = 3 and 4) options.
Thanks. I'm not sure why I couldn't find that line, as I was looking in the same version, but I do see it now with your instructions. So It looks like bucket_m is able to be used with other radiation schemes, but according to the code in phys/module_physics_init.F, I believe that the bucket options CAN be used with the RRTMG Fast scheme.
Thanks kwerner. I hasn't been able to run the tests, but when I get the results I'll post them here for confirmation.