Hello, I want to compare WRF output with two nested domains with input GFS data. To do so, I would like to process GFS files to obtain wrfout for every hourly input file in the desired domain (matching the case with nesting).
I was thinking about doing 1h runs every time with a different gfs file as input ubgrib data, but this results in two wrfout files (the start hour matching GFS timing and the next hour). I tried doing run_hours=0 in namelist.input but I get no output. Should I only keep only the first file for every simulation?
Is there a way to do this single downscaling of GFS files without having WRF to integrate over time?
Thanks in advance,
I was thinking about doing 1h runs every time with a different gfs file as input ubgrib data, but this results in two wrfout files (the start hour matching GFS timing and the next hour). I tried doing run_hours=0 in namelist.input but I get no output. Should I only keep only the first file for every simulation?
Is there a way to do this single downscaling of GFS files without having WRF to integrate over time?
Thanks in advance,