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ECMWF Atmospheric Model high resolution 10-day forecast (HRES)

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
I have WRF-ARW v4.3 and I try to use grib files of ECMWF Atmospheric Model high-resolution 10-day forecast as ICBC. The names of these files are like:
For the ungrib.exe I use Vtable.ECMWF (which comes in WPS package). But when I run ungrib.exe I get the following error:
Vtable does not contain Grib2 decoding information. 11 or 12 columns of information is expected. *** stopping parse_table ***
Can anyone help me?

Please take a look at your ECMWF data, which might be different to the data we archive and use here in NCCAR. I guess you need to create a Vtable for your data.

WPS provides a nice utility g2print.exe to examine the GRIB2 format data, which may provides you the necessary information to create Vtable.

Please also see the website below that provides description how to create Vtable:
Many thanks, Ming,
I've decoded ECMWF Atmospheric Model high-resolution 10-day forecast grib2 files by g2print.exe tool and found the following:
there are 7 parameters in these files:
NAME PAR_NUM CAT Description
UGRD 2 2 U component of wind
VGRD 3 2 V component of wind
VVEL 8 2 Vertical velocity
TMP 0 0 Temperature
SPFH 0 1 Specific humidity
RELD 13 2 Divergence
HGT 5 3 Geopotential Height
Each of them (except HGT) has many vertical levels (1-137).
I also attached g2print.exe GRIB2 output as a text file!
Can You give me advice on how to create a Vtable for such grib2 files?


  • grib2_files_structure.txt
    46.7 KB · Views: 55
  • grib2_files_structure_wide.txt
    4.5 MB · Views: 51