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Editing/changing wind speed input

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
I want to simulate TC genesis within the peripheries of Philippine seas. Considering that the strength of zonal wind (monsoon flow) is a major factor in seasonal TC genesis, I want to reduce/increase time-varying zonal wind speed. My concerns are the following:

1. How do I edit the wind speed in the boundary condition? From time 1 to time n? From surface to uppermost level?
2. How do I make sure that such editing will also forget the memory of the other variables (e.g. meridional wind, relative humidity, etc) from previous wind speed?
You can always modify the data using the utility provided here:

I am not sure of your 2nd question. Do you mean to keep other variables unchanged?
Hi, Ming Chen:

I supposed that if I change only T2M then if I did not change RHUM then possibly, the RHUM will still have the original effect of T2M because they are related. Is that correct?
Yes that is correct. Also, once you change temperature, then geopotential height should be changed, too, which will lead to changes in wind field. This is a series of loop and you need to be cautious.