Thanks for your response. I figured that the module_initialize_ideal.F code would need to get modified in order to achieve the desired result. Specifically, I would need to override the U from the input sounding and set it to zero (or something very small). However, I am confused about your suggestion about modifying module_bc_em.F. My (possibly incorrect) conception about what needs to be done has more to do with the base state than boundary conditions. It is my understanding that the base state for this idealized case remains unchanged over time by default. I would simply like to increase the base state U from zero (or near zero) to the value specified in the input sounding over a period time after initialization. I want to increase the base state U over the entire domain, not just at the boundaries. With this in mind, I am thinking that code in solve_em.F will have to be modified (in addition to that in module_initialize_ideal.F). Among other things, solve_em.F keeps track of the time since model initialization, which would allow a specification of a new base state U at each time step (e.g., increasing base state U from 0 to 10 m/s over 30 minutes of simulation time and then keeping the base state U at 10 m/s for the remainder of the simulation). I see the grid%u_base variable in solve_em.F; it seems to be used in a call to the rk_tendency subroutine. Is the logic correct? If not, can you clarify?
My thinking is based on what I have read in another help topic dealing with releasing a warm bubble well after initialization of the idealized supercell case (https://forum.mmm.ucar.edu/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=472#p2400). While this is a bit different from what I desire, there is the common element of changing something that is typically done at initialization. kwerner suggested changes to module_initialize_ideal.F and solve_em.F to accomplish the desired outcome of delaying bubble release. Would this approach also work for gradually increasing the base state U after initialization?
Thanks again for your assistance.